Blueprint & Bloom

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Cookies are simple text files stored on your computer that websites use occasionally to remember settings and other data that helps the website function properly. Most cookies are set by the website itself (1st party cookies). All 1st party cookies set by this website are non-intrusive, and do not save any personal information. Blueprint & Bloom respects your online privacy and we do not use cookies to collect any personal data about yourself. If you wish to turn off all cookies, please visit this website for more information about how to configure your browser to do this: All About Cookies

Google Analytics

This website utilises Google Analytics to count visits, and this service saves certain cookies to your machine. These cookies do not collect any personally identifiable information about you, but please read more here: Google Anaytics Cookie Policies

Cookie Name Explanation
phpsessid This cookie is the unique identifier for the user's session, so the content management system knows who they are, what the last page they visited was, etc (important for ensuring when someone clicks on a content link, the content is displayed in the correct navigational context).
cookie_notification This cookie is used to remember your decision to hide the cookie notification that this website displays. it does not record any personally identifying or confidential information to your computer.